Emil S.D

Personal blog & portfolio

Software Resume

I'm a software student from Denmark, programming since 2010. My primary interests include reverse-engineering and security research. Throughout my academic years, I've also developed an interest in modern and high-end methodologies.
๐Ÿ‘คย Emil S. Doganci
๐Ÿ“žย +45 42 20 43 70
๐Ÿ“ย 9000 Aalborg, Denmark
๐ŸŒ Danish/Turkish/Bosnian
Work Experience
Student Software Developer (dec. 2023 - jul. 2024)
Student Software Developer (dec. 2023 - jul. 2024)
Developed automated end-to-end (E2E) tests to guarantee secure deployments and increase quality assurance for upcoming features.
Game Modification Developer (dec. 2016 - sep. 2023)
Involved in reverse engineering, analysis, and development of game modifications.
Aalborg University
Aalborg University
(sep. 2022 - Present)
Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Software Engineering
Aarhus TECH Highschool (HTX) (aug. 2017 - jun. 2020)
Aarhus TECH Highschool (HTX) (aug. 2017 - jun. 2020)
Focus on Mathematics and Informatics
  • ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฐย Danish (Native)
  • ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡งย English (Professional)
  • ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ท Turkish (Conversational)
Experience: C, C++, Assembly, C#, Java, Python, Latex, Antlr, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, Vue, Node, Express, MySQL, .NET Core Blazor & Razor
Frameworks: Dear ImGui, SDL, SFML, OpenGL, GLFW, DirectX, Playwright, Jest, xUnit
Tools: IDA Pro, Ghidra, dnSpy, x64dbg, Cheat Engine, Fiddler, Wireshark, Nmap, Vscode, Visual Studio, CLion
OS: Windows (7/8/10), Linux (manjaro, arch, debian, kali), MacOS, Android & iOS
Platforms: Vercel, GitHub, GitLab
Software BSc Projects | Sep 2022 - Jun 2025
Semester 1: Automatic Bargain Hunting Application
  • University: Aalborg University
  • Technologies: C, CLion
  • Overview: Developed a software application in C for automatic bargain hunting, enabling users to find the lowest total price for items on their shopping list using simulated data.
  • Features: Implemented user input for shopping lists and integrated search functionality for comparing prices across stores.
Semester 2: Crowd Crush Prevention Simulation
  • University: Aalborg University
  • Technologies: Html, Css, JavaScript, Visual Studio Code, JestJS (Unit testing)
  • Overview: Created a simulation tool using vanilla JavaScript to analyze crowd crush scenarios, featuring a custom flow field algorithm for realistic agent movement.
  • Features: Enabled users to create and save custom layouts, implement entrances/exits for agent spawning, and utilize collision detection for enhanced simulation realism.
  • Video demo:
Semester 3: .NET Core Solution for Event Management Company
  • University: Aalborg University
  • Technologies: .NET Core, Blazor, Razor, MAUI
  • Overview: Collaborative development of a .NET solution for an event management company, specializing in connecting Microsoft Dynamics 365 professionals with businesses seeking to learn new Microsoft 365 technologies.
  • Features:
    • Designed and implemented a standalone onboarding platform using Blazor, enabling registration across multiple platforms including Microsoft Business Central, Hivebrite, and Mailchimp.
    • Architected and developed a custom API with an integrated database to maintain common customer data, ensuring synchronization across various platforms.
    • Developed unit and integration tests using xUnit and performed a detailed usability testing of the final product.
    • Developed an administration tool for data management and analysis, including features for extracting customer data and generating CSV reports.
    • Addressed issues faced by the company, including the lack of synchronization between customer data across different platforms, and streamlined the registration process for improved user experience.
Semester 4: Compiler for "TinyCell" Language to Arduino C
  • University: Aalborg University
  • Technologies: C#, ANTLR, xUnit, Arduino CLI
  • Overview: Developed the "TinyCell" compiler, translating a custom syntax created in ANTLR to Arduino C for deployment across Arduino boards. Integrated the Arduino CLI to streamline the compiling and flashing processes.
  • Features:
    • Created an executable console (P4.TinyCell), shared DLL (P4.TinyCell.Shared), and testing suite (P4.TinyCell.Tests).
    • Conducted extensive testing of unit, integration, and acceptance tests, ensuring reliable software performance.
    • Developed a lexer and parser from .g4 files using ANTLR, crafted a custom AST, and implemented type checking and code generation utilizing the AST and visitor pattern.
    • Embedded the Arduino CLI into the project to allow direct compilation of Arduino C to binary, enhancing functionality for flashing and other Arduino CLI operations.
  • Video Demo:
Engine Development | Jul 2023 - Aug 2023
  • Developed "Project Esd.Engine," a C++ physics engine focusing on particle system simulations. Features cross-platform compatibility using SDL and an interface via ImGui.
  • Utilizes C++ for efficiency, SDL for hardware access, OpenGL for graphics rendering, and ImGui for dynamic UI. Development supported by CLion IDE and CMake.
  • Architecture follows object-oriented principles with key classes like EngineCore, Renderer, and UserInterface. Organized into structured directories.
  • Development proceeds iteratively: establishing basic structure and rendering, improving user interactivity and GUI, and advancing particle system simulation. Progress and demonstrations available on GitHub and personal blog.
Game Mod Development | May-Aug 2023
  • This is a repository dedicated to my journey in game hacking.
  • Designed and introduced a dynamic and customizable user interface using ImGui, enabling better user interaction and providing tooltips for each function.
  • Developed a configuration system to save/load settings improving user experience by persisting preferred settings across sessions.
  • Incorporated a custom styles system for personalizing menu styles and added a theme changer for a custom user experience.
  • Introduced localization support to cater to a diverse user base, thereby increasing the reach of the application.
UI Library Development | Mar-May 2023
  • Developed a lightweight vanilla JavaScript library focusing on providing simple and customizable UI components.
  • Designed base and extensible classes for various types of elements including menus, submenus, menu items, buttons, labels, inputs, and separators.
  • Created the library with simplicity, extensibility, lightweight and no external dependencies in mind, diverging from more comprehensive frameworks like Bootstrap, Material-UI, or Ant Design.
  • The library did not rely on specific frontend libraries or frameworks, facilitating integration into existing projects without additional overhead.
UI Software Development | Oct-Dec 2022
  • Extended an existing software application, originally developed by my group and I at Aalborg University doing first semester, which enables automatic bargain hunting. The application allows users to input a shopping list and find the lowest total price at nearby stores.
  • Added a local text-based database and a login/registration/menu system for experimental purposes.
  • Designed and implemented a graphical user interface (GUI) using Sokol and Cimgui libraries to make the application more user-friendly and visually appealing.
  • Utilized the 'Clion' Integrated Development Environment (IDE) by JetBrains for C development, leveraging its features for code navigation, code refactoring, debugging, and code completion.
  • This project allowed me to expand my skills in the C programming language and gain a deeper understanding of GUI design using the Cimgui library.
Particle System Development | May-Jun 2018
  • Developed a particle system as part of the college project "Programming B" during the second year. The project focused on creating a particle system with a user interface to control basic physics attributes for the generated particles.
  • Implemented a particle system with customizable physics attributes, allowing for realistic particle behavior.
  • Developed a user interface using ImGui and SDL libraries to provide a user-friendly and interactive control panel for adjusting particle system parameters.