Emil S.D

Personal blog & portfolio



Hello, I'm Emil, born 1999 in Aarhus, Denmark. My fascination with software and cybersecurity began at age 10 when I got my first laptop, building an interest in video-games. Early on I was interested in simple things like hacking single-player games with Cheat Engine. My enthusiasm for game modifications laid the groundwork for my journey into programming.
I started with Visual Basic, gaining a solid foundation in coding principles. My interests expanded into network applications, eventually steering me towards another aspect of Software such as Malware.
This path led me to specialize in game hacking with some script-kiddie knowledge of malware.
Alongside my website development, university projects and work-experience, I've also embraced modern high-end methodologies such as the ones mentioned on my resume.
Recently I’ve done a lot of research in security research and built a big interest and plan to pursue it further.
In my free-time I spent a lot of time on my hobby projects or hanging out with friends in the city drinking some beers. Life is only as fun as you make it, so live while you can ✌🏼